PODCAST: ABC 774 – 1st May

This week on Friday Film, Raf & I discuss the Zellner Brothers’ not-quite-based-on-a-true-story-film, Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter starring Rinko Kikukchi, and a Ukrainian film in which the characters communicate solely through sign language, The Tribe (limited season at ACMI). Plus, talkback on ‘quest and journey films’ on Drive with Rafael Epstein on 774 ABC Melbourne.

PODCAST: ABC 774 – July 26th

In this week’s Friday Film I chat to Raf about the latest blockbuster from Guillermo Del Toro, Pacific Rim, and the Hollywood Judgement Day comedy (?) This is the End on Drive with Rafael Epstein on 774 ABC Melbourne. ABC 774 – July 26th Episode (.MP3)