ANALYSIS: God in all things: Amiel Courtin-Wilson’s ‘Hail’

In an industry where marginalised social classes are routinely depicted as loveable larrikins, comical bogans or dangerous criminals and sexual predators, Amiel Courtin-Wilson’s Hail signals something of a breakthrough in Australian cinema. Based on the life and stories of Daniel P. Jones (who also performs the lead role, Danny), the film broadly depicts one man’s […]

PODCAST: Plato’s Cave – July 23rd

In this week’s episode of Plato’s Cave the team review the films You Instead and Hell (DVD) before turning our attention to The Dark Knight Rises and an extended discussion about the various incarnations of Batman within popular culture. With Josh Nelson, Thomas Caldwell and Tara Judah. Plato’s Cave – July 23rd Episode (.MP3)