In this week’s episode the Plato’s Cave team review Brave, Elena and Snow White and the Huntsman, plus we discuss representations of ‘warrior women’ in cinema. With Josh Nelson, Tara Judah and Thomas Caldwell. Plato’s Cave – June 25th Episode (.MP3)
In this week’s episode the Plato’s Cave team review Brave, Elena and Snow White and the Huntsman, plus we discuss representations of ‘warrior women’ in cinema. With Josh Nelson, Tara Judah and Thomas Caldwell. Plato’s Cave – June 25th Episode (.MP3)
This week the Plato’s Cave team review The Muppets, The Descendants and Young Adult, plus the team take a look at the representation of women and femininity in contemporary cinema. With Josh Nelson, Thomas Caldwell and Tara Judah. Plato’s Cave – January 19th Episode (.MP3)
Ken Wardrop’s debut feature documentary opens with an old Irish proverb: “A man loves his girlfriend the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest”. An exploration of family, relationships, age and gender, His & Hers might be seen as an attempt to address the question, what do women really think of the […]